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Home Page update

Okay so this is still a work in progress but I feel like I might be on the right track! Advice is welcome!

TerriLynne macdonald
TerriLynne macdonald

Website Homepage Review

Hi everyone

Im a family photographer really trying to do more adventure type sessions with families so applying this challenge to helping me achieve that. This for me is definitely a work in progress and I still need to do a bit more work in the testimonail area but I thought I get my homepage up for review to start with

thanks everyone



Website Homepage Review

Hi there,

I'm a photographer focusing on capturing Bar and Bat Mitzvahs in NYC, I'm applying this challenge to my focus (as there are not many opportunities like this geared towards my niche.) I capture casual sessions (like engagements) Temple and service portraits (like a ceremony) and parties (like receptions) so hoping to refine and enhance my marketing message to clients. Below is my website to view the homepage, I'd appreciate any feedback on it. I see myself as a creator and perfector and also very relatable. Many thanks in advance.

Donny Granger
Donny Granger
4 hours ago

I'm loving this! What a fun nîche!

you're killin it!

As for suggestions

The first look, for me, reveals a couple of little suggestions.

Drop the testimonial from the top to a lower position and make the "modern mitzvah" line a WAY BIGGER DEAL

you want them (the kid especially, and the mom vicariously) to see themselves as rockstars when they work with you.

and then 2,

the description of that link-out is actually a big deal. That's the essence of your story -- When you’re 13, family, tradition, and being a rockstar on your big day is everything

Make this a headline and show me a couple more photos

Maybe consider doing a slider that shows traditin + rockstar under that headline

You have the talent - now, find your story, make it punch, and make a big deal of it.

Inquiry Video (Day 3 - Brand)

Trying to play catch-up over here!

This is very much out of my comfort zone - so must be a good thing, right?

Donny Granger
Donny Granger
4 hours ago

love it! do it ten time! LOL

you're outta your comfort zone, now try it several ways -- remember, they need to get a fee for your personality. see which one of several feels most true to your brand.

this is so fun!


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