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Public·142 members

One liners!

I've only created two so far. kind of stumped on the 3rd.

I'm primarily a relator with a side of creative documentarian lol

Really want to convey the vibrant, adventurous, outgoing side to attract the same.

Feedback is always appreciated :)

Donny Granger
Donny Granger
5 days ago

These are really really good!

try writing one aimed specifically at that perfect couple that you KNOW will love the wild adventure theme

your name is ADVENTURETOGRAPHY, for goodness sake -- make me feel it! LOL


use the motifs of "let's go on an adventure" or journey - let's base-jump into this thing! let's jump head-first into something exciting!

I'm your guide, i know the way!

I'm gonna make sure you love every step on this journey

use "let's" a lot -- they'll get that you're in this with them and you're ready for it!

get bold!!!!!


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