One liners!
I've only created two so far. kind of stumped on the 3rd.
I'm primarily a relator with a side of creative documentarian lol
Really want to convey the vibrant, adventurous, outgoing side to attract the same.
Feedback is always appreciated :)

These are really really good!
try writing one aimed specifically at that perfect couple that you KNOW will love the wild adventure theme
your name is ADVENTURETOGRAPHY, for goodness sake -- make me feel it! LOL
use the motifs of "let's go on an adventure" or journey - let's base-jump into this thing! let's jump head-first into something exciting!
I'm your guide, i know the way!
I'm gonna make sure you love every step on this journey
use "let's" a lot -- they'll get that you're in this with them and you're ready for it!
get bold!!!!!