Cassandra here!
I find my foundation is a perfecter, I deeply value storytelling throught photography and capturing genine moments. Yet, appreciate meticulous artistry, with perfecting those capture emotions and connections in a way that feels personal and real. In this modern world with aesthetics, I find ways in making beauty feel timeless and still adding a vintage vibe. Without compromising perfection in my overall work.

perfectors are fun!
I have worked with a few and the more you can reveal about yourself as a 'perfector' throughout your brand messsaging the better.
The hard part is defining a problem that they feel, and that you solve.
Here's a stab at an idea based on what i see in your stuff above.
Maybe it's close? Maybe you can jump from there?
Don't trust the chaos to candid.
A story is going to reveal itself on your wedding day.
What if every page could look perfect?
keep going! You're on track!